Welcome to Multicrafting.com Crafters Corner

This is a forum in which to share your Multicrafting success or frustrations. We would love to see photo's of your projects and hear about your journey as you craft your way to organisation.
Tips and strategies to assist others gain the same benefits are welcome.

We will address any criticisms or frustrations and if we don't know the answer to your question we will endeavour to find out and post a response as soon as we can.

As we develop more projects we will post photos here so our crafters can enjoy.
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Wednesday 17 August 2011

Craft. Staying Sane Online.

Your frustration level is never again going to be so high that steam flows from your ears and you’re looking frantically on the keyboard for the slap button.

I am going to share with you the strategy that I and other women from around the world use to transform disorganisation and chaos into orderly.  Real women who actually have time to relax, enjoy playing with their children or hanging out with friends without feeling guilty about the unfinished budget, bills that need to be payed online, bank transfers to make, gifts to organise, emails to send, defragging the computer, backing up files, uploading photos to face book, the list goes on.

Women are no longer afraid to go into their study scared off by the huge pile of chores still waiting despite attempting to get them done time after time often to walk away in frustration because of the time it takes to get one small thing completed.    
Before stumbling upon this strategy I used to dread heading to the study and would put of my obligations as long as I could.  Eventually my pile of chores would topple over and I had to pull my head out of the sand.  I tried and tried but I couldn’t invoke the magic Genie. 
I needed to get past my resentment towards the obligations and responsibilities holding a household together and making it function brought into my already busy life. 
As soon as I realised my error I made a correction and straight away turned what were previously frustrating delays into moments I now treasure.  One look at all the tasks I had to organize, and I was overwhelmed. My computer skills weren’t the best and I wasn’t sure where to start. So I didn’t start, I just procrastinated. I had to turn this part of my life around so I applied the strategy and turned my life into organized enjoyment instead of out of control chaos with this simple strategy. Since I fell upon this strategy my productivity has gone through the roof.
I’m embarrassed to say I was a computer rage-er.  Waiting on downloads, system loads, backups, file transfers at times had me so angry, bad language would flow from my mouth.  Things not under my control delaying me from my free time could get me into an absolute fury and frequently I would give up and leave those chores to pile up for another day delivering a mortal blow to my productivity. It meant another day of commitments on the back of my mind.  Another step away from achieving that ‘me time’, that ‘in their Zen Zone’ look I envied on other women.   
It's a fact – waiting takes to long.  Engaging in something enjoyable while waiting on download time, upload time, Island time, anything else taking up your time gives you back your time.  Believe it or not, having something to do while we wait is the sole purpose of mirrors in foyers and lifts.  

My strategy to overcome the frustrations I had experienced with online wait time was to craft beautiful creations.   You maybe surprised of how much craft material you have already at home.  Crafts make good gifts. Crafts items can be made from materials around the home, office, or perhaps a purchase of a few inexpensive materials will morph into a few quality gifts.  I believe the rise of craft clubs and the amount of women I see on public transport knitting or crocheting backs up my bold claims.  Happy people are immersed in creating craft.  Nothing is as self-soothing as those stolen hours immersed in the craft you adore.  The unexpected benefit I discovered is that when crafting, the frustrations of online delays are less likely to see you walk away from the computer throwing your arms in the air.  With the right projects, you can achieve what you set out to do online and craft a beautiful creation at the same time. 


Sunday 7 August 2011

Crafting –Ready, Steady, Go.

Crafts make good gifts. Crafts items can be made from materials around the home, office, or perhaps a purchase of a few inexpensive materials will morph into a few quality gifts. Crafts made from the effort that comes from your own hand rather than store brought sends a deep message of love from the heart. 

You maybe surprised of how much craft material you have already at home. 
Perhaps the last week or so has seen you turn the wardrobes upside down saving unused clothing to use for your craft projects.  Well done!  Cleaning out wardrobes is always one of the often-delayed chores.  Instead of giving them to goodwill (although that’s also a nice thing to do) I cut off the useful bits and recycle into a gift.

Those jumpers no longer worn can be felted to make a coffee cozy and also to decorate hats, bags, tea cozies.  Nothing will go wasted with some instructions and a few projects in mind. 

Now that you have bits and bobs to use for your craft projects the question becomes how best and where to store them so they don’t just become another source of mess.

I made a craft equipment bag made from an old jumper that I no longer wore.  After felting the jumper made from mostly wool, I hand stitched pockets to store my craft tools around the outside then added a long handle so I could hang it on the doorknob in my study. 

You wouldn’t believe how easy it was to create.

One of the best craft gadgets ever invented is the row counter.  A row counter sits on the end of a knitting or crochet needle and helps keep track of where you are in the pattern.  So when you get distracted it’s easy to pick up where you left off when you come back to your project.   Row counters are an invaluable friend and can be purchased from any craft or department store. 

Winter is a time when clothing is packed away and summer clothes brought out from storage to take their place in the closet.  I always find myself sneezing for a couple of hours after slipping into a jumper that hasn’t been worn for a good few months.  I could take the time to air the garments but an even better idea is to store a lavender scented sachet in the space bag along with the jumpers.  That way when I pull them out they have that beautiful scent I adore. 

Scrapbooking has become a craze and for a very good reason.  Scrapbooks are a collection of clippings, photos, and mementos of people we love and experiences we have enjoyed. Putting together old memories preserves the history of a family and scrapbooking helps us to store up history for the family members we don’t have yet.  By collating the photo’s we love we can show new coming relatives what type of person we are and some of our favourite memories are captured an immortalized.